07. Quiz: Musical Groups (3-3)

Musical groups have special names based on the number of people in the group.

For example, a "quartet" is a musical group with four musicians. Barbershop quartets were a popular type of quartet in the early 1900s and featured four singers made up of a lead, tenor, baritone, and bass.


Write a series of conditional statements that:

  • Prints "not a group" if musicians is less than or equal to 0
  • Prints "solo" if musicians is equal to 1
  • Prints "duet" if musicians is equal to 2
  • Prints "trio" if musicians is equal to 3
  • Prints "quartet" if musicians is equal to 4
  • Prints "this is a large group" if musicians is greater than 4

TIP: Test your code with different values. For example,

If musicians equals 3, then "trio" should be printed to the console.

If musicians equals 20, then "this is a large group" should be printed to the console.

If musicians equals -1, then "not a group" should be printed to the console.

Be sure to watch out for any extra or missing characters (including spaces or punctuation marks) in your output string as well!

Your Code:

Start Quiz:

 * Programming Quiz: Musical Groups (3-3)

// change the value of `musicians` to test your conditional statements
var musicians = 1;

// your code goes here


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